What Are The Signs That Say You Need A Marketing Operations Resource?

Marketing Operations is the process of planning, organizing and overseeing the operations of your marketing department. It's also a new job title that could be added to your team. The best way to determine if you need a Marketing Ops resource is by asking yourself these questions:

Do you have a new marketer on your team?

  • Do you have a new marketer on your team?

  • What are they working on?

  • Have they been trained and given tools to succeed?

Are team members spending too much time on administrative tasks instead of the work that produces results?

  • Marketing is a creative process.

  • Marketing is a strategic process.

  • Marketing is a tactical process.

  • Marketing is a collaborative process.

  • Marketing is a data-driven process.

Do you spend too much time looking at reports and spreadsheets?

If you're spending your time looking at reports and spreadsheets, then it's likely that you don't have the right tools in place to help you make better decisions. If you don't understand what to look for in the data, how to interpret it, or how to use it, then there's no way that your business will grow and thrive.

Marketing operations resources are trained to know what questions need answering so that your marketing team can act on them. Their job is not only about creating reports; it's also about understanding what those reports mean and why they matter. For example: "We got more leads this month than last but our conversion rate went down." This is an issue because we need more leads but fewer people who drop out before signing up for our service or product than we currently have." A resource like this can help us discover what led to this dip in performance (and hopefully fix them) so we can continue growing our business without slowing down!

Do you feel like there isn't enough time to plan for the future and respond to the current situation?

Do you feel like there isn't enough time to plan for the future and respond to the current situation?

You may be struggling with these problems if:

  • Your marketing team is too small, which leads to an increase in work-related stress and burnout.

  • Your marketing team is too big, which means that each person has less responsibility and can become disengaged with their work easily. This also leads to an increase in work-related stress and burnout.

  • The rest of the company doesn't understand or support your efforts, leading them to not take them seriously or pull their weight when needed. This will create frustration within your team over time if nothing changes!

Do you feel like marketing is out of sync with sales, finance or product management?

The first thing to consider is whether your marketing team is aligned with the rest of the business. If you feel like a disjointed group, or if there's a disconnect between sales, finance and product management departments, it may be time to consider adding a marketing operations resource.

The second question you should ask yourself is: are you trying to do too much? Do you feel like all those things that used to get done in-house are now being outsourced? If this sounds familiar, then it might be time for someone on your team (perhaps an intern) to take on some of those responsibilities.

Marketing Ops can make your marketing more effective!

Marketing Ops is a specialized role in marketing that helps teams run more efficiently. It’s a business discipline that focuses on the processes and systems required to get work done.

As some of you may know, we’ve been building our Marketing Operations team for a while now. We want to share what exactly makes Marketing Ops so valuable, as well as how it can help your team be more effective, so let's dive into the details!


A marketing operations resource can be a valuable asset to any team. They can help make marketing more effective, efficient and data-driven. When you’re ready to start looking for the right person for your organization, contact us! We’d love to talk about your needs and how we might be able to help solve them.


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